Actively milk cows in the Northeast. They receive one vote per farm, pay annual fee of $100 per farm/year plus $1.50/lactating cow. (NEW MEMBERS receive 50% discount for the first year)
Concentrate their skills on raising replacement livestock for dairy managers. They also have one vote per farm and pay $100/farm/year plus $0.25 per head (not lactating)
Affiliate memberships are available to businesses that work closely with Northeast dairies and want to support NEDPA and its mission. This membership level includes up to six individuals. Affiliates receive NEDPA alerts, notices and general information and the quarterly NEDPA newsletter, One Step Ahead (electronic version). Affiliate member logos/links appear on the NEDPA website. Affiliates’ logos appear in each quarterly newsletter and one edition of the weekly e-news. Affiliates have the opportunity to place one complimentary ad each year. (No voting rights) $4,000 annual dues.
Associate memberships are available to businesses and individuals that work closely with Northeast dairies and want to support NEDPA and its mission. Associate members receive NEDPA alerts, notices and general information and the quarterly NEDPA newsletter, One Step Ahead (electronic version). (No voting rights) $300 annual dues per individual.
Junior members are 18-26 year olds who are nominated and sponsored by a current NEDPA member in good standing. This membership level was created to engage the dairy industry’s future leaders in the present. For $100 per year, Junior members will receive NEDPA e-communications, electronic version of the NEDPA Newsletter, One Step Ahead, and access to the private NEDPA Member Facebook Group.