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2024 Year in Review
CLICK HERE to download a PDF of the 2024 Year in Review. See the cover page below.

PRO-DAIRY Agriservice Awards

Patterson Farms Inc. and NEDPA’s Executive Vice President of Industry Relations, Tonya Van Slyke, were the recipients of the 2024 PRO-DAIRY AgriService Awards, presented by NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Richard Ball, PRO-DAIRY Director Thomas Overton, and PRO-DAIRY Associate Director Karl Czymmek.
“This year’s recipients, a farm and an agriservice professional, join a distinguished list of award winners who are chosen for their close involvement and collaborative partnership with many of the applied research and educational programs in PRO-DAIRY,” said Dr. Overton. “We appreciate and respect their leadership and service to PRO-DAIRY and the broader agriculture industry. They are examples of the best of what the New York dairy industry has to offer.”
Congratulation to Tonya and board director Jon Patterson and his family on this well-deserved recognition!
CLICK HERE to read more about the awards from Cornell PRO-DAIRY.
Setting the Stage for 2024-2025
In mid-August, the NEDPA board met in Eastern NY for a 3 day board meeting/retreat. While in the Capital region, we engaged with many partners including our contractors with Ostroff Associates and Corning Place Communications, New York Farm Bureau staff, Cornell CALS leadership, and state representatives from the Executive office and Department of Agriculture and Markets. Several NEDPA farmer members from ENY joined the discussions and served as tour hosts.

NEDPA Celebrates June Dairy Month With Industry Partners

On Tuesday, June 18, New York State dairy industry leaders gathered for a Dairy Celebration at Oakfield Corners Dairy in Batavia. Attendees included NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Ball, Deputy Commissioner Howard, Policy Advisor Giuliano and representatives from NEDPA, New York Farm Bureau, Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance (NEAFA), Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc., and the team at Lamb Farms/Oakfield Corners Dairy/Oakfield Artisanal. Thank you to the Lamb family for hosting!
Cheers to June Dairy Month!
FY 2024-25 Budget and Legislative Priorities
CLICK HERE to view a PDF version of NEDPA’s priorities.

2023 Year in Review– Commitment to Collaboration
CLICK HERE to read the full PDF Version of NEDPA’s 2023 Year in Review

2024 Farm Bill Priorities
CLICK HERE to view 2024 NEDPA Farm Bill Priorities
The Value of NEDPA- Dairy Radio Now
NEDPA’s 30 Year Evolution
2023 marks the 30th anniversary of the Northeast Dairy Producers Association. The term anniversary is defined as “the date on which an event took place in a previous year” and after three decades of advocacy and growth, the term evolution best encapsulates how the Northeast Dairy Producers Association (NEDPA) has progressed over the years. In agriculture, no two days are the same, let alone two years the same. The evolution of NEDPA has always been to determine which issues are critical facing our dairy farmers today and working to find solutions or alternatives. NEDPA’s ability to act proactively and adapt – each day, week, month, and year – to the needs of the dairy industry has kept this organization relevant 30 years after its inception.
CLICK HERE to read more

Dairy’s Toolbox for Reducing Emissions
NEDPA developed an informational one-pager on some of the common management practices that farms implement to reduce their carbon footprint. Many of these practices have been utilized on farms for decades. Dairy farm businesses are unique, therefore we must have a suite of practices available rather than a one size fits all approach. Click the image below for a PDF version of the handout.
Who Are NEDPA Members?
Member Testimonials
Why We Join NEDPA
“Seneca Dairy is proud to be an Affiliate member of Northeast Dairy Producers Association. NEDPA is a valued resource for dairy farm families and provides timely/relevant information. Thank you for sharing your members stories and continuing involvement in our local communities.” -Seneca Dairy Systems LLC
“Being a part of NEDPA is about supporting a community that you’re in. Everyone in the dairy industry is in it together. Servicing dairy farms is our livelihood as hoof trimmers. The more we can do to strengthen the dairy community the better we as an industry are as a whole” -Zane Hendrickson, Hendrickson’s Hooftrimming, Inc.
“As the largest lender to New York’s dairy farms, Farm Credit East values being a NEDPA Affiliate member. NEDPA provides proactive leadership on a wide range of issues affecting all New York dairy farms, through advocacy, but also as a source of information and practical assistance farms need to navigate today’s complex business environment. Farm Credit East is pleased to partner with NEDPA through its affiliate membership program on these efforts.” -Tom Cosgrove, Executive Vice President for Public Affairs and Knowledge Exchange.
“We are a member because NEDPA is on the forefront of the issues that are crucial to dairies and those dairies are crucial to our business. NEDPA keeps us well informed with all the current events here in the Northeast which is so important as things continue to evolve and change quickly in our ever so important dairy industry.” -Jim Conroe, Sr. Regional Director East, Phibro Animal Health
“Speaking as a producer, I need NEDPA to move forward and grow.” -Jon Rulfs, Adirondack Farms