Our Mission
The Northeast Dairy Producers Association is an organization of dairy producers and industry partners committed to an economically viable, consumer-conscious dairy industry dedicated to the care and well-being of our communities, our environment, our employees and our cows.
This Mission is to be accomplished by:
-supporting producer meetings, in person and virtually,
-providing a leadership role and financial support for solving industry issues,
-using a unified voice to take assertive stands on sensitive issues as we work with government to formulate policy and ensure the best business climate in the Northeast.
-working with elected and appointed officials to better understand opportunities and challenges within the dairy industry
The Voice
NEDPA was established in 1993 to give Northeast dairy producers a united voice in pending environmental regulations on the horizon at that time. Environmental laws and permits that regulate CAFOs continue to be a priority focus of NEDPA. However, the organization has broadened its focus to include other important issues that have emerged on the dairy horizon, as well as helping member farms with specific regulatory and compliance challenges on their own farms.
NEDPA member farms range in size from 170 cows to over 7,000. All totaled, they represent over 251,000 cows and a major economic impact. These numbers command attention and NEDPA’s leadership on issues has influenced outcomes and earned the respect of legislators, decision-makers and government agencies.
NEDPA is represented on the NYS CAFO Work-group, NYS OSHA Work-group, Water Quality Work-group, Agriculture Workforce Development Council, NY Dairy Issues Team, Partners for Healthy Watersheds, Animal Well-Being Work-group and is a driving force in the Grow NY Farms coalition. NEDPA continues to be actively involved in representing dairy producers’ interests in labor and immigration, CAFO and water quality/environmental issues, and public relations. NEDPA’s voice is strengthened in Albany and beyond through our contracts with lobby firm Ostroff Associates and public relations firm, Corning Place Communications.
The Resource
NEDPA is a resource for members, providing…
-Timely e-mail alerts on important issues
-Quarterly newsletters providing valuable updates, information and guidance on issues
-Support and information through webinars, programs and tours
-Financial contributions to Cornell PRO-DAIRY, Cornell Agriculture Workforce Development, NY Animal Agriculture Coalition, and Grow NY Farms
-Member snail-mail and email newsletters provide valuable updates, information and guidance on issues
-A dynamic biennial two-day conference held in partnership with Cornell PRO-DAIRY
-As part of the “Issues Team” provide public relations advice and support to members facing a regulatory compliance issue or activist issue
-An agreement with Michael Best law firm for legal assistance as necessary, including a no-cost 30 minute consultation for NEDPA members in good standing on any legal issue
The Network
NEDPA works closely with other agricultural and business organizations to collaborate on common interests and issues. Examples include:
-Instrumental organization within the Grow NY Farms Coalition, a group of agriculture industry partners advocating for maintaining the farm labor overtime threshold at 60 hours.
– Leads the Water Quality Workgroup and works closely with DEC on environmental issues, such as water withdrawal reporting. -Initiated the formation of the Agriculture Workforce Development Coalition in response to interpreting and complying with labor laws and regulations. AWDC facilitates the annual Labor Roadshow program.
– Partnered with NYCAMH, NYFB and PRO-DAIRY in “roadshow” to help farms prepare for OSHA Dairy LEP. NEDPA participates in a monthly conference call with OSHA. -Initiated the formation of the Animal Well-Being Workgroup, composed of farmers, milk cooperatives, NYAAC, NYFB, ADANE and other industry partners.
– Collaborate with the state’s vegetable, horticulture, and apple industries on issues that impact all agricultural commodities.
Perhaps the most valuable asset NEDPA offers is the members themselves–progressive, forward-looking, like-minded dairy producers and industry professionals who are enthusiastic about the dairy industry and its future. NEDPA programs and conferences provide opportunities to interact with this valuable network to share ideas, ask questions and debate issues.